MSND Summary: ACT THREE Scene 1

The actors meet in the woods to rehearse their play for the wedding. While they're rehearsing, Puck turns Bottom's head into an ass. When Bottom is seen by the rest of the actors, everyone runs away terrified. He's then left alone and starts to sing. His singing wakes up Titania and, because of the flower juice, she instantly falls in love with him. She then lures him into her brower.

MSND Summary: ACT TWO Scene 2

When Titania falls asleep after hearing the singing from her train of fairies, Oberon sneakingly puts the flower juice onto her eyes, while chanting a song to get her to fall in love with the first thing she wakes up to.

Meanwhile, Lysander and Hermia enter arguing whether or not to sleep with eachother or not. Of course, Hermia hates the idea, and they end up sleeping with space between them. While they are sleeping, Puck enters angered because he cannot find the Athenians Oberon was speaking of. He then sees Lysander and Hermia sleeping, thinking that he has found the right couple. Mistakingly, he adds the juice to Lysander's eyes and thinks he has correctly followed his master's orders.

Then enters Demetrius and Helena. Demetrius continues to yell at her and wants her to stop chasing him. She continues to argue back, but then gets tired from chasing him all this time. While she slows down, she sees Lysander sleeping, and wakes him up. Because of the flower juice, he falls in love with Helena. He confesses his love for her, but Helena thinks Lysander is lying and stomps away. Lysander chases after her, leaving Hermia sleeping alone.

MSND Summary: ACT TWO Scene 1

In act two scene one, we are introduced to the king and queen of fairies, Titania and Oberon. We also learn that Oberon's servant, Puck is a mischievous man that loves to play tricks on mortals. Titania and Oberon are in a huge fight over Titania's possession of a little Indian boy and refuses to give him up to Oberon. Furiously mad at Titania, Oberon devises a plan and orders Puck to get the juice of the flower, Love-in-idleness. When this juice is rubbed on a person's sleeping eyelids, the person will fall in love with the next thing they see when they wake up. He then plans to rub it on Titania's eyes once he receives the juice from Puck, causing her to fall madly in love with a horrible creature, and then hopefully getting the possession of the Indian boy.

A desperate Helena chasing after Demetrius then enter the scene. Demetrius is determined to find and stop Hermia and Lysander from eloping, while Helena tries to confess her love for Demetrius. Helena tells him that the more she's being pushed away by him, the more she loves him. Demetrius refuses to hear this and tries to shun her.

Meanwhile, Oberon is still in the forest and is able to see the love problems between these Athenians. Oberon then orders his servant to put the flower juice on Demetrius' eyes too, so that he will fall in love with Helena, and her love for him will no longer be unrequitted.

MSND Summary: ACT ONE Scene 2

Preparing for the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta, a group of men meet to practice a play for Theses and Hippolyta's special day. Quince tells them that the play they'll be performing is The Most Lamentable Comedy and Most Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisbe. Quince then assigns the roles of the actors, leaving defenseless Flute to play a woman part. We are also introduced to Bottom, whose a loud and arrogant guy who thinks he can play every part. Bottom is quickly mad at Quince for not giving him the part he thinks he's supposed to play, but is then convinced that he should be playing the part of Pyramus. All of the actors then decide to meet later in the woods to practice the play.

MSND Summary: ACT ONE Scene 1

In the first scene of Midsummer's Night Dream, we are introduced to Theseus, the Duke of Athens and his fiance, Hippolyta. While they are planning their wedding, an angered Egeus walks in complaining about his daughter, Hermia. Two men of Athens, Lysander and Demetrius love Hermia but Egeus only wants Demetrius to have his daughter's hand in marriage. Egeus also complains about the fact if his daughter doesn't respect his wishes and marries Demetrius, then she should suffer the consequences from the law of Athens. Lysander then fights back and states that Demetrius has already won Egeus' s love already, and he deserves Hermia as his own wife. Lysander also argues that Demetrius has been emotionally connected with Helelna, until he met Hermia and has left her alone since that day. After hearing all of this commotion, Theseus takes Egeus and Demetrius aside to discuss things more.

At the end of the scene, Hermia and Lysander are left alone. The two love birds then devise a plan to run away far from Athens. They'll alope and start a new life together without Demetrius. Then in walks Helena whose still madly in love with Demetrius, and is told about Lysander and Hermia's plan to run away. She envies them greatly and decides to tell Demetrius to get him to fall back in love with her.

Chinese Civil War

The Nationalist Party, also known as the Kuomintang, suffered a painful civil war against people of their own country from the Chinese Communist Party. Apallingly, this war had caused the lives of over one million people. The Communists wanted China to be like the Soviet Union, while the nationalists wished that their country would be more like America. The United States and United Kingdom backed up the nationalists, giving them millions dollars worth of economic funds.
For many years, starting in 1927, the two groups of people never sought to find peace with eachother. During 1937-1945, the Sino-Japanese war helped the Chinese Civil War come to a hault, but when Japan stopped invading China, they started having friction between eachother again. From 1946-1950 Kuomintang, and the Communists started to continuously fight against one another, and finally the Kuomintang left the mainland of China and moved to Taiwan, Penghu and other small islands around Asia.
To this day, no agreement or settlement has been made between the Communists and the Nationalists, and having China still being known as the People's Republic of China.

Ghost Story: Kahala Mall

In class today we shared ghost stories that either happened to us, we've heard or some we made up on the spot. It relates to the events that are happening with Maxine in The Woman Warrior, for example, the Sitting Ghost.

There were sights of a woman with long hair, no face and no lower half, accompanied with doors slamming shut, at the old Waialae Drive-In. The drive in was built over half a grave yard, which is where this no-faced woman was believed to be from. When the Waialae movie Drive-In was closed, the woman moved to the new Kahala Mall theatres, which was just across the street. And just like the sightings of the old drive-in, a woman with long dark hair is seen through the many mirrors leading to the bathrooms. When her reflection is seen, no face is seen.

One day a woman went into the bathroom and saw a reflection of an old woman in a black dress standing behind her with no feet coming out at the bottom. When the woman turned around to look behind her no one was there. She ran out terrified and was committed to the mental hospital. There are real police reports of this incident. Eventually the drive in closed down and the other half of the graveyard next to the drive-in along with the drive-in is now a neighborhood of luxury homes.

I Don't Know Why: RESPONSE TO EQ 5

When I was in Philadelphia over spring break, I experienced my first subway ride. Truthfully I was observing my surroundings with a sense of danger, smelling the appalling scent of the station, and feeling the sense of un-safety the whole time. I just don't know why I was feeling unsafe though. I had my whole family with me, some of those whom have been catching the subway ever since they could remember. I had every right to feel safe, there wasn't any gunshots going off or anything, it was just me.
Even though I don't want to admit it, I think I was scared because of the people I was seeing board the subway. They had these I'm-tougher-than-you-and-I-can-beat-you-up-any-day-look on them, and even though that's probably not how their personalities really are, that's how I interpreted them to be. But why was I judging this people to be harmful beings?
I'm disappointed in myself that I was judging people I've never met, and from my assumptions, I was feeling un-safe around them. Me being judgemental was the big problem, and also the fact that I couldn't feel safe. Maybe the world needs to have more trust in it's people to be able to feel that comfort of being safe anywhere, and everywhere they go. Maybe there's to many crimes and horrifying events going on today, that makes people have a sense of distrust towards things they don't even know about. Even though me being judegemental was totally wrong, I just wish that there were more oppurtunities for people to feel safe with their lives.

Problems Cartoon: RESPONSE TO EQ 4

I don't know how I came upon this cartoon, but I'm glad I did. When I first saw it, I thought it was cute and very true. This cartoon is very humorous, but at the same time, the creator clearly puts his message across about the fact that there is to many issues we have to deal with in the world already.
The little boy probably stunted his teacher with this statement, having her realize that what he was saying nothing but the truth. For a student to know what's going on in the world, and not being happy about it says a lot. I imagine that for kids to have strong opinions about how our appalling world is, then that means there's a serious issue in our world today.
This cartoon clearly says that something needs to be done about the atrocious and horrible things going on in the world, and there are many problems besides math problems that are happening right now.

Appearances: RESPONSE TO EQ 3

Being a girl has it's difficult times, especially when the media is so focused on the 'perfect body' for women to have. When I first saw this episode of Friends, I thought it was hilarious. But when Fox played it's re-run of this episode, and then a few months later when TBS played a re-run, I started to think that this episode was just affecting many girls like many other commercials were. Appereance isn't everything, even though when I was ten years old, I thought it was.

The main reason girls want to be 'pretty,' is to impress that guy they like, or to fit in with the 'popular girls.' I admit, even I am judgemental sometimes but I hate that side of me that judges peoples' appearences. And I even care what people think of what I look like. But what really is the 'perfect body?' What am I trying to look like, so I can achieve my idea of a pretty girl? I'm trying to be as thin as those models in the Victoria Secret commercials, and as pretty as the girls in the Cover Girl commercials. And those type of girls, are exactly the type of boys want to date.

Commercials, TV shows, and adds can be found anywhere and are seriously affecting girls' outlooks on life. Media affects us in so many ways, and many Americans are oblivious to all of this. Something needs to be done to make this situation better, and maybe the world will just be a tiny bit better also.

Brotherly Love: FREE WRITE 2

Feeling a sudden freezing rush to the tip of my toes
Taking my first steps off the plane
Yearning for the start of my vacation
Receiving a feeling of excitement as I'm
Being greeted by my long lost Auntie Ruth
Thinking that I know what love is all about

Looking out the window
Seeing that famous love sign
Wanting to take a picture of those four vibrant red letters
Thinking that I know what love is all about

Stepping underground to transportation
Smelling the hideous scent of piss
Seeing an obscene amount of un-sheltered lonely souls
Longing to help them regain their lives
Thinking that I know what love is all about

Going to an insipid 76ers game
Observing the many different people that were there that night
Willing to come together to watch an uneventful basketball game
(I mean Alen Iverson isn't even on the team anymore)
Opening my eyes to see a little but of love when everyone is
Coming together to scream, cheer and shout when young girls are
Yelling "Kyle Korver! Marry me?"
Thinking that I know what love is all about

Walking around downtown Philly
Grabbing the Philly Cheese Steak
Tasting the warm sensation of the steak, cheese and onions
Belnding together to satisfy my spoiled tastebuds
Thinking that I know what love is all about

Shopping with my fashionable cousins
Picking out everything I wanted until I was to tired to do
Anything else but sleep in that comfotrable hotel queen-sized bed
Dreaming of the perfect man

Thinking I knew what love was but in actuality Philadelphia was
Helping me to open my eyes and see Brotherly Love

The heart and soul of
Brotherly Love

Morals: FREE WRITE 1

My phone plan sucks! I get mad at my dad for being the Chinese man he is, not allowing me to be apart of the family plan because of course it would cost even more money to add another line. So I'm stuck with the Cingular Go Phone plan. He thinks he's saving himself some money, when in reality he isn't! Twenty five cents a call, and twenty five cents every minute after the first, is not being cheap at all.
Being oblivious to how this Cingular Go Phone plan is, my dad refuses to let me be apart of the family plan along with all of my older brothers. Because of this not-so-good-but-it's-better-than-nothing phone plan, I am forced to march down to the nearest 7-11 or Safeway weekly and buy my prepaid minutes card, even with my own money. My father only contributes $30 every two months. Even though my dad is the way he is, I still find it in my heart to forgive him for him being born with those bargain hunting genes in him.
It was the Saturday before my spring break trip, and I was doing my weekly trip to refill the minutes in my phone. As I walked to aisle nine, I decide buy a prepaid minutes card with twice the number of minutes I usually do. I didn't want to run low on my trip to the east coast. I walk to the cash register, while my mind praised me, "Good thinking Sara."
"$15 please young lady," the cashier asked.
I sadly handed him a crisp twenty dollar bill, thinking, "Twenty hard-earned dollars gone."
"Thank you and have a nice day young lady," he said handing my change back.
Walking out of the store, I look in my hand to find $15. Doubting myself for a second, I start doing the math and I realize he gave me an extra ten dollars. I guess the 'devil' side of me told me just to walk away. So I did. I then started to think of how I wouldn't be able to live with myself. So I started to walk back. But then I thought about what I could buy with those ten extra dollars. So I start heading towards the car instead. And then I started realizing that not only would I be disappointing myself, but I knew 'the man up there' would know what I did. I finally walked back into the store.
Finding that overly-nice cashier that loved to refer to me as a young lady, I start thinking that what I was doing was for the good. Handing him the extra ten dollars, he smiled and thanked me for catching his mistake. As I was taking my last few steps out of Safeway, a customer yelled, "Thanks for not being honest, nice girl!" And with those words, I felt better about returning those ten dollars, and I knew that it was appreciated even by a stranger.
During my walk to my car, I started thinking about how I would've felt if I really kept that crisp ten dollar bill and how I would still be holding it in my left butt pocket. But then I started to realize what my morals were. My morals help me to make important decisions that affect my image to other people. Everyones' morals are different, and I know what I think is right, is what someone else thinks is wrong. The way my parents raised me, the things my past teachers told me, and my past actions are how my morals are built. My morals are the building blocks of my character.

Family Story: PART 2

December 7, 1941. Thomas-Takashi Uyehara was immediately in deep awe and confusion as to why the nation his parents came from, Japan, was bombing the place he grew up in. The place where he adapted to a local way of life, where he learned how to play the ukulele, and where he developed his pigeon way of speaking. He immediately knew that he wouldn't be looked at the same by many, and he would always be seen as an awful Japanese.

A few days later he didn't feel the same. He was experiencing something unexplainable, and he came to the realization he could hear what people were thinking. He didn't know what to do, who to tell, and why this was happening. Thomas kept on telling himself it was the radiation from all the bombs, especially since he lived relatively close to Pearl Harbor.

Nearing the graduation of Kahuku High School, he decided to tell his best friend, Ned, about what was happening with him. Ned was his wing man, and always there to snap him back to reality when he would get spazzy. Maybe Ned could tell him that this was just a silly dream, or him being idiotic, as usual. As Thomas was walking towards Ned with a mysterious look on his face, Ned started thinking, "Wait, why does he look like I did something wrong? Did he find out about me?"

A few long and freaky hours later, two Asian skeptic boys came to the conclusion that they were both given powers from the radiation of Pearl Harbor. Ned could set things on fire after staring things down, which Thomas thought was dangerous but way better than what his power was. The two best friends decided to join the war, and help their country in their time of need, thinking that bringing their hidden talents along with them would help immensely. But during the health tests, Ned couldn't help but to stare at the most attractive nurse he'd ever layed his eyes upon, and accidentally set her on fire. After that, doctors, scientists, everyone wanted to know how he did it, and didn't let him get drafted into the war because of the dangers that could occur. Thomas was then all alone, afraid and anxious.

Thomas-Takashi would get close to his enemies, know where they were going to attack, got there before them and killed. He once disguised as a Japanese soldier and figured out all their plans. He was the American hero of the 442, but no one knew how he would always know where to attack first. They thought it was just pure luck and skill.

Five years later, after going to college in New York, falling in love, and getting married, he moved back to where everything started. Pearl Harbor, the place he got his hidden talent. He didn't know that the Japanese government had been looking for him, and Ned unwillingly & unsuspectingly gave away all their secrets. A lot of scandal and secrets have been going on when he was away, and now he was going to pay.

They killed him. They found out he disguised as one of them, and was the reason they lost the war. The Japanese made it seem like he died from lung cancer, but my grandma knew the truth. Everyday since then, she's been sensitive, sad and cynical towards everything in life. The only thing she doesn't know, is that her husband's going to come back from heaven. He's going to tell her that they didn't kill him, even though he did, and was just help captive for forty years. I only know because I can tell the future.

Can't Always Get What You Want: RESPONSE TO EQ 2

Second Response to Essential Question

I turned on the T.V before getting started on my homework, just as I do every night after a very long day of school. I suddenly hear the familiar tune of "You Can't Always Get What You Want," by the Rolling Stones. I've heard it so many times before tonight, but for the first time I actually listened to the lyrics and made a connection with them.

"You can't always get what you want, But if you try sometimes you might find, You get what you need."

Everyday, I'm reminded that no one can ever get what they always want, and their wants aren't as important as others' needs. Everyone seems so caught up in their own yearnings now days, and they forget about what's happening with the world around them. Once in a while there's a courageous and willing person to take a stand and try to get the message out to the world, but the sad thing is the whole world's to busy to hear it.

As I listen to the song again, I start to think about what the Rolling Stones were also trying to get at the listener. There's the person that think they want something, or they think need it. There's that someone that gives up if they come to the assumption that they can't achieve what they want. There's the person that strides and gives everything their all, and they end up succeeding. The world is full of the people that think they need, when they dont, think they don't want when they really do, and people that don't try when it could end up being so beneficial.

Life isn't easy, and it for sure isn't going to hand you what you always think you want. My idea of paradise doesn't have egocentric humans that put their wants in front of others' needs. It's to bad that the world is full of them now.

Stereotyping: RESPONSE TO EQ 1

Response to Personal Essential Question

One of my favorite T.V shows, The Office, is the kind of show that you either love to love, or hate to hate. It's about a hilarious, stuck-up, and ignorant boss that likes to have fun with his co-workers instead of working.

In this video it shows how much stereotyping has had an impact on our lives today, and how it has changed the world in so many ways. When someone sees someone for the first time, they make judgements based on the color of their skin or based on the way they carry themselves. First impressions last a lifetime, but I wish those first impressions we have are based upon how the character acts instead of how they seem to be.

Part of my idea of paradise is just like Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream. Racism has gotten better since his famous speech, but racism still exists. Will it ever go away? Will our generation be able to knock out the negative stereotypes that exist today?

Living in Hawaii makes me appreciate the fact that I don't have to deal with stereotyping that's happening in many other places. Although, people here still have stereotypes fixated in their minds that aren't necessarily the nicest. When I asked my brother what came to mind when I said Mexican, he replied "illegal immigrants!" When I said Philipino he came up with, "dumb." When I said black, he replied, "ho scary kine gangsters." I cannot talk about how much I've been impacted my racial slurs because no one has really offending things to say at me that would break me down. I'm used to hearing all of these things, I hear it everyday. My idea of paradise is nothing like the how things are now. I envision people looking past strangers' races, but maybe the world just needs some time.

Family Story: PART 1

Family Story
Grandpa Thomas Takashi Uyehara
Today in class we were asked to pick out an interesting family story and write the beginning of it. I shared a story about my dad's father and how their broken relationship helps me to appreciate my dad more. But that story isn't the one I would like to share, partly because I know my dad doesn't like thinking about it and maybe because I find this one to be a little more interesting. It's about my other Grandpa, one of whom I've never got the chance to meet before either.

Right after graduating from Kahuku High School, my eager and absent-minded seventeen year-old grandpa decided to enroll in World War II with his best friend, Ned. He was sixteen when the Japanese government bombed Pearl Harbor, and after that tragedy he wanted to show his country who he was. He wanted to show his country he was more of an American than a Japanese. He wanted to show them that not all Japanese were horrible and hurtful, and the government shouldn't have forced people into concentration camps. He wanted to show them he was just as good as anyone else, and he just wanted to prove his loyalty towards his American citizenship to the world.

He was the oldest of five children, and his parents wanted him to do them proud. They looked past the fact that he would have to lie about his age, and praised him for the wonderful deed he was going to accomplish. Not knowing that the next time he would see them was going to be in ten years, he left for the war. Unfortunately, his wing man, Ned, didn't pass some type of health test, and my grandpa had to leave him behind. He was alone, afraid and anxious.

He was part of the 442, 100th Battalion, private first class that was stationed in Europe, France and Italy, and there he picked up the habit of smoking. After those couple of years away from home, he had the opportunity of a lifetime to go to college in New York because of the GI. BILL. At that same time, my grandmother wanted to go on an exciting trip to the mainland with her step sister to escape everything going on in her hometown, Makiki. Coincidentally, two locals from Hawaii met and fell in love in the mainland, and they both got married and settled down in New Jersey. Soon after that, my mom was born. They decided to move back to Honolulu after my great-grandma started to get sick. My grandmother got pregnat again but her second child was born pre-mature and died soon after birth. I can't imagine the pain my grandparents went through, and my mom doesn't have any memories of this because she was only one at the time. Although, if it wasn't for this my aunty and uncle wouldn't have been born. Ten years after my uncle was born, my grandfather died from lung cancer. He never could stop smoking after World War II and it was something my grandma always wanted him to stop. My mom, aunty, uncle, and grandma all dealt with this their own ways and they lived the rest of their lives without a dad, or a husband.

From this I got that everything happens for a reason. The events that happen in someone's life makes them who they are today. My grandpa went through so much during that time of his life, and has probably had to deal with multiple best friends' deaths. He knows the true meaning of "Go for broke, " and like many other war veterans, he didn't like to think about World War II after it was done. I wish I knew more about his experiences but I know it's something that he would've never liked to talk about if he was still alive. He's the grandpa I've always wanted to meet. Growing up without a grandfather has made me wonder, "what if." But growing up without a grandfather also makes me appreciate my father more because I know none of my parents really had a father influence in their life too.

Intro and About Me

Progressively the world seems to be changing and adapting to new advances in technology with the help of the internet. This blog will be a guide to help us modernize our ways of expressing ourselves without just a pen and a piece of paper, and will modernize ways of education. Posting our work on the internet will help us to become better writers because we know that not just our teacher will be reading this, but many people we've never even met before. Hopefully by the help of this blog, I'll get used to other people reading my work and to become more confident with the work I do.

I'm the daughter parents tend to get short with, but the daughter they love. I'm the daughter that doesn't like to be compared to older siblings, but always finds that she is. I'm the daughter that takes advantage of the love and support from her parents.. I'm the sister who loves talking about her brothers. The sister who loves her twin brothers as seniors and doesn't want them to leave for college. I'm the sister who also misses her oldest brother at Michigan. I'm the sister that gets spoiled by all three of these male infulences in her life, but doesn't always get to realizing it. I'm the friend that tries to be there for everyone and tries to make everyone laugh, even how embarassed she may get. I'm the typical teen you see on Myspace late at night, even though she wishes to stop. I'm the typical teen you know that can sleep for hours at a time on a Sunday morning. But I'm someone that can't sleep for hours on a Sunday morning because I'm a church every week by 7:30. I'm someone who you always see falling or tripping over themselves. Yeah, what a klutz. I'm a girl who cares what people think of her and someone who realizes that this shouldn't bring her down even though it does. I'm the girl you see with her friends always smiling and hardly ever frowning, and if there ever is a frown something's really got to be wrong. I'm Sara.