Can't Always Get What You Want: RESPONSE TO EQ 2

Second Response to Essential Question

I turned on the T.V before getting started on my homework, just as I do every night after a very long day of school. I suddenly hear the familiar tune of "You Can't Always Get What You Want," by the Rolling Stones. I've heard it so many times before tonight, but for the first time I actually listened to the lyrics and made a connection with them.

"You can't always get what you want, But if you try sometimes you might find, You get what you need."

Everyday, I'm reminded that no one can ever get what they always want, and their wants aren't as important as others' needs. Everyone seems so caught up in their own yearnings now days, and they forget about what's happening with the world around them. Once in a while there's a courageous and willing person to take a stand and try to get the message out to the world, but the sad thing is the whole world's to busy to hear it.

As I listen to the song again, I start to think about what the Rolling Stones were also trying to get at the listener. There's the person that think they want something, or they think need it. There's that someone that gives up if they come to the assumption that they can't achieve what they want. There's the person that strides and gives everything their all, and they end up succeeding. The world is full of the people that think they need, when they dont, think they don't want when they really do, and people that don't try when it could end up being so beneficial.

Life isn't easy, and it for sure isn't going to hand you what you always think you want. My idea of paradise doesn't have egocentric humans that put their wants in front of others' needs. It's to bad that the world is full of them now.

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