Stereotyping: RESPONSE TO EQ 1

Response to Personal Essential Question

One of my favorite T.V shows, The Office, is the kind of show that you either love to love, or hate to hate. It's about a hilarious, stuck-up, and ignorant boss that likes to have fun with his co-workers instead of working.

In this video it shows how much stereotyping has had an impact on our lives today, and how it has changed the world in so many ways. When someone sees someone for the first time, they make judgements based on the color of their skin or based on the way they carry themselves. First impressions last a lifetime, but I wish those first impressions we have are based upon how the character acts instead of how they seem to be.

Part of my idea of paradise is just like Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream. Racism has gotten better since his famous speech, but racism still exists. Will it ever go away? Will our generation be able to knock out the negative stereotypes that exist today?

Living in Hawaii makes me appreciate the fact that I don't have to deal with stereotyping that's happening in many other places. Although, people here still have stereotypes fixated in their minds that aren't necessarily the nicest. When I asked my brother what came to mind when I said Mexican, he replied "illegal immigrants!" When I said Philipino he came up with, "dumb." When I said black, he replied, "ho scary kine gangsters." I cannot talk about how much I've been impacted my racial slurs because no one has really offending things to say at me that would break me down. I'm used to hearing all of these things, I hear it everyday. My idea of paradise is nothing like the how things are now. I envision people looking past strangers' races, but maybe the world just needs some time.

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