Family Story: PART 2

December 7, 1941. Thomas-Takashi Uyehara was immediately in deep awe and confusion as to why the nation his parents came from, Japan, was bombing the place he grew up in. The place where he adapted to a local way of life, where he learned how to play the ukulele, and where he developed his pigeon way of speaking. He immediately knew that he wouldn't be looked at the same by many, and he would always be seen as an awful Japanese.

A few days later he didn't feel the same. He was experiencing something unexplainable, and he came to the realization he could hear what people were thinking. He didn't know what to do, who to tell, and why this was happening. Thomas kept on telling himself it was the radiation from all the bombs, especially since he lived relatively close to Pearl Harbor.

Nearing the graduation of Kahuku High School, he decided to tell his best friend, Ned, about what was happening with him. Ned was his wing man, and always there to snap him back to reality when he would get spazzy. Maybe Ned could tell him that this was just a silly dream, or him being idiotic, as usual. As Thomas was walking towards Ned with a mysterious look on his face, Ned started thinking, "Wait, why does he look like I did something wrong? Did he find out about me?"

A few long and freaky hours later, two Asian skeptic boys came to the conclusion that they were both given powers from the radiation of Pearl Harbor. Ned could set things on fire after staring things down, which Thomas thought was dangerous but way better than what his power was. The two best friends decided to join the war, and help their country in their time of need, thinking that bringing their hidden talents along with them would help immensely. But during the health tests, Ned couldn't help but to stare at the most attractive nurse he'd ever layed his eyes upon, and accidentally set her on fire. After that, doctors, scientists, everyone wanted to know how he did it, and didn't let him get drafted into the war because of the dangers that could occur. Thomas was then all alone, afraid and anxious.

Thomas-Takashi would get close to his enemies, know where they were going to attack, got there before them and killed. He once disguised as a Japanese soldier and figured out all their plans. He was the American hero of the 442, but no one knew how he would always know where to attack first. They thought it was just pure luck and skill.

Five years later, after going to college in New York, falling in love, and getting married, he moved back to where everything started. Pearl Harbor, the place he got his hidden talent. He didn't know that the Japanese government had been looking for him, and Ned unwillingly & unsuspectingly gave away all their secrets. A lot of scandal and secrets have been going on when he was away, and now he was going to pay.

They killed him. They found out he disguised as one of them, and was the reason they lost the war. The Japanese made it seem like he died from lung cancer, but my grandma knew the truth. Everyday since then, she's been sensitive, sad and cynical towards everything in life. The only thing she doesn't know, is that her husband's going to come back from heaven. He's going to tell her that they didn't kill him, even though he did, and was just help captive for forty years. I only know because I can tell the future.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are telling a story of my Uncle Taka, My father is his youngest brother Alan... And I can fly:)